100+ things you should know about Italy



Don’t go off the beaten path before visiting the “holy trinity”: Rome, Florence and Venice. These cities are truly remarkable and you don’t want to miss them.

Nevertheless, make time to spend a few days outside the major cities. Real Italy is in the small towns!

Tuscany is wonderful. There are hundreds of small wonderful medieval villages and plenty to see. However, Italy is a lot more than Tuscany. From the hills of Langhe to the trulli of Puglia, going through the culinary haven of Romagna, you will find fewer tourists and a wonderful land to discover!

Tipping is not required. Service staff gets paid as high as entry level engineers do. In particular, tipping people you personally know is considered offensive. In general, the attitude toward tipping is that you can’t buy a person off, so be mindful if you decide to tip.

Pick pocketing is an issue in larger metropolitan areas like Rome and Venice, but it’s not any worse than New York City, London or Paris.

Newspaper are bought daily at the edicola (newspaper stand), and delivery of newspapers is rare. Edicole are very common and open everyday, and as much part of the typical Italian morning routine as stopping to the bar to order an espresso.

Watch the street billboards for advertisement of “Feste” or “Sagre”, street fairs usually dedicated to one food. If one is close by your location at the time you’re there, don’t miss it- they’re wonderful events gathering people from the various towns and serving thematic foods!

Dates are shown as day-month-year, always.

Times are indicated in 24-hr format.

And yes, we’re metric!

You push to enter a place, and pull to get out. Exactly the opposite as in America!

Airport and rail stations have public restrooms, often with attendants who expect to be tipped. If someone is guarding the door of the restroom, you’re expected to leave a few coins.

Restrooms in all bars and cafes are for customers only. Order an espresso and only afterward head to the toilet!

In public restrooms, toilet paper is a rarity. Italian women always keep a travel pack of Kleenex in their purses for this reason.

You can’t walk in a church with a tank top or with shorts on. You need to be properly dressed to visit most holy places.

Credit cards are not widely accepted. You can’t pay anything that is less than 10 Euros with a credit card, and even then you’re going to be frowned upon. Always bring cash with you!

Public phones are now officially extinct. You will need to carry a cell phone for anything you need, from calling the hotel to reserve a restaurant. If you’re going for a brief stay, use your US cell phone and get a calling card. If you’re planning a longer trip, look into getting a SIM card and use it with your (unlocked) US phone- most cell phone calling contracts in Italy are prepaid services, so no need to lock in a plan!

When using an Italian cell phone, all incoming calls are free.


When walking into a store, especially clothing or shoes, in most cases you will have a shop assistant with you at all times. Sometimes you won’t be allowed to even touch the things unless you’re trying them on! The assistant will find your size and do all the work.

If you enter a store to just to take a look, make sure your intentions are known to the person inside the shop. Ask if you can just look around without being hassled by a shop assistant trying to make a sale!

The rudeness and bitchiness of Italian shop assistants, or commesse, is legendary, especially if you’re not a size 0. They apparently consider a size 4 “overweight”. Don’t take it personally.

On the upside, though, shop assistants are not paid on commission. Feel free to abuse them- they probably deserve it anyway!!

Store exchanges don’t exist. If you buy something and decide later you don’t want it anymore, you’re stuck with it. Choose carefully!

Clearance sales in regular shops Italy are not very good- usually a 10%, 20% at the very most.

Shops close for lunch between 12:30pm and 3 or 4pm. Everything shuts down by 7:30pm.

Ask your local hotel for outlets stores. Outlet stores will have items priced at a more discounted rate.

Buy shoes in Italy. Even with the dreadful Euro/Dollar exchange, leather shoes will last you for years and they’re really good for your feet!

In larger cities and metropolitan areas stores are open on Saturday but closed on Sunday, and another half day of the week. In touristic resorts stores are open Sunday but closed one other day of the week.

Banks are only open in the morning and for one hour in the afternoon. You need to bank in the morning!

National Holidays:

January 1st, New Year’s Day

January 6th, Epiphany

Easter Sunday

Easter Monday

April 25th, Anniversary of Italy’s liberation

May 1st, Labor Day

June 2nd, Anniversary of the institution of the Republic

August 15th (Ferragosto), Assumption

November 1st, All Saints

December 8th, Annunciazione

December 25th, Christmas

December 26th, St Stefano.

In addition, each town will honor its patron with an additional day off.

You have to wear plastic gloves to pick up food in the produce section of the grocery store or old ladies will yell at you.

You bag your own groceries and pay for the bag.


99% of Italian hotels include breakfast in the room price.

As a consequence of #33 above, Italians remain the main audience at bars for breakfast. Don’t miss the chance to get out of your hotel by 9am on a workday and order a cappuccino al banco (at the counter) with a cornetto, preferably with custard, and eat it standing with all the rest of the crowd.

Cappuccino is not forbidden in the afternoon, it’s just frowned upon following a meal. Some places will actually refuse to serve it to you. Don’t get upset, just embrace the culture…

In order to be able to get the said cappuccino, in many places you first have to pay for it so you can show the scontrino (proof of payment) to the bartender.

Italians don’t put ice in their drinks. If you must, ask for it, but realize they’ll look at you as if you were a Martian. When (if?) they bring you ice, they will send to the table a small saucer with 5 ice cubes for the entire table.

You can’t order food “to go”, unless you are in a pizza place or in a rosticceria. If you try to walk in a restaurant and order a meal to go, people will look at you as if you were crazy!

When eating at a buffet or family style, it is more than acceptable to help yourself as many times as you want, and never okay to overfill your plate.

Aperitivo is a wonderful tradition you should not miss out on. Bars that offer an aperitivo buffet will charge you for the drink, but not for the food, which will range from simple chips and pretzels to sophisticated warm appetizers and parmigiano cubes sprinkled with balsamic vinegar. Buffet is all you can eat (but don’t forget the rules above!). Find a bar that serves an aperitivo buffet and head there between 6pm and 8:30pm, and you can skip dinner if you want!Aperitivi

There are no dipping sauces in Italy, so Italians are not really familiar with double dipping rules.

When starting a meal, bread will be brought to the table but neither olive oil nor butter is served. A bread dish is never on the table, so bread rests on the tablecloth.

Speaking of bread, never ever leave it upside down on the table. It’s considered bad luck and unrespectful toward the owner of the table.

Never, ever pour wine (or water) backhanded. It’s considered an offense to the person you’re serving.

No doggie bags in Italy. Taking home the leftovers is not an option, and leaving food on the plate is frowned upon.

Salad is considered a side dish, not a starter. No meal in Italy ever starts with a salad.

If you’re invited to a wedding, be prepared to eat. Imagine a minimum of 15 courses and sitting at the table for 5 to 6 hours.

Tap water is never served, and despite the fact that it’s now as safe as in the US, people keep on drinking bottled water and restaurants only serve bottled water.

When water is not safe at fountains, it will say so. Otherwise, take advantage of the only free water in the country!

Coffee is not a “to go” item. You enjoy it at the bar, and no paper cup is provided!

Cheese is never eaten with fish.

Salad dressing is oil and vinegar and that’s it. There aren’t different types of dressings.

There are over 100 different types of pasta, and each region has its own. Make an effort to try as many as possible!

Bread and pasta are never eaten together in the North, but they are sometimes in the South.

Restaurant customs are a bit different than in the US. Since servers are salaried and don’t rely on tips to make a living, they don’t care about turnover- it is customary in Italy to stay seated at a restaurant table for the whole evening, and dinner would usually take longer than in the US.

If you don’t ask for the check, you’re not going to get it. Italians consider a check put on the table before you’re done with your meal, or without you asking, like an invitation to leave. It is considered a no-no in restaurants, so you must ask for your check if you’d like to pay!

When ordering food at a restaurant, substitutions or changes are usually not accepted.

Alfredo sauce is not Italian. Don’t ask for it!

Frappuccino doesn’t exist, either. However, all other coffee drinks whose name Starbucks has stolen usually mean something different than what you think you’re ordering.

Hot chocolate is a different experience altogether- it’s denser, more like a pudding, and it’s usually ordered in the afternoon, as a merenda item.

Appropriate use of grated Parmigiano cheese is limited to pasta- and pasta with either vegetable or meat sauce, not fish! There is no grated parmesan cheese on salad or pizza. Occasionally, slivers of parmigiano will be served over bresaola or carpaccio- but never grated cheese!

Nothing but pork is considered appropriate meat for your pizza. No chicken, not beef- only pork in various formats (prosciutto, salame, salsiccia, etc.).

Chicken is not to be eaten with pasta. That’s it. There isn’t a single pasta sauce in Italian cuisine where chicken can be an ingredient.

Dinner is past 8pm, not at 5pm. If you’re hungry at 5pm, go to a pasticceria and get a hot chocolate and some pastries. If you’re hungry at 7pm go to a bar and order an aperitivo. Don’t show up for dinner before 8pm (and that’s still kind of early!).

Don’t miss the chance to try pizza in a pizzeria, but be aware that pizza is a dinner food. The very few pizzeria open at lunch usually cater to tourists only (and the pizza is probably not likely to be great!).

Speaking of pizza, it is considered inappropriate (and many places will just say it’s not possible!) to ask for a split topping: half a pizza one way and half a pizza a different way is just not a concept Italian pizzaioli are able to grasp.


Most Italians under 40 speak some English, but many will be embarrassed to talk.

Sunday is a holy day- and not for church, but for soccer! When the games are on, you will see plenty of people walking down the streets with their family with a radio glued to their ear. Sometimes as you walk down a busy street on a Sunday afternoon you will hear a mix of cheers and mumblings- that’s the sign for one of the teams scoring!

Oh, and it’s not soccer- it’s football (or calcio).

Girl watching is a national past time, second only to soccer. Don’t be alarmed when men stare at you. Men look at women as art historians look at the Sistine chapel ceiling.

Third after soccer and women come Formula One and the Ferrari team. Don’t even attempt to speak ill of Scuderia Ferrari in public. You might be verbally assaulted.

Italian television spends one day showing soccer and 6 days talking about it. Other programming includes plenty of half-naked dancing girls and inappropriate nudity commercials- and sometimes Formula 1 races, per priority list set above.

Azzurro, light blue, is the color of every national athlete’s jersey. When you hear talking about Azzurri people usually refers to the national team soccer players, although it’s used in general terms for all national athletes.

You shower at night in Italy, and you change to dress-up clothes before going out for the evening, whether you’re going to a restaurant or to a bar. Day wear is not considered appropriate for night time.

In Italy it is not socially acceptable to be drunk. People boast about their alcohol resistance and no one would ever admit to be drunk.

Business formal is the norm for all office and sales jobs. Wearing a tie is considered appropriate wear for pretty much any workplace.

Italian men dress very nicely. Leather shoes and slacks are a lot more common than shorts and flip flops.

You can see a lot of speedos on Italian beaches, and nobody finds it hilarious.

Topless sunbathing is quite common in the northern beaches, and more frowned upon in the South.

While in the US temperature in public places is determined by the one who feels hot (and hence she is the one who lowers the temperature in the space), in Italy the one who’s cold is always right and her requests will determine a room’s temperature.

Never, ever give chrysanthemums as a flower gift to anyone. They are considered the flowers of the dead, and only brought to cemeteries.

When entering someone’s house, it is customary to ask for permission on the doorstep, even if you’ve been invited already. You say “Permesso” upon entering a house.

Lines (at the post office, at the bank, at the bar, at the bakery) are never really lines. They are a declaration of intent that you need to assert if you want to be helped. Make sure you demand your right in line if you don’t want to be “overtaken”!

Purple being the color of lent, it is considered a color that brings bad luck. Avoid the darker purple hues for evenings at the theatre, and it’s definitely a forbidden color at weddings!

The Fiat 500


Driving in Italy is not terrible. Keep your right, be careful, but many Italians are terrified to drive in California, so you should be just fine!

However, don’t even think to drive in Naples. Road rules are different from what you’re used to, and despite being incomprehensible to most, they keep the city going. You’d be the wrench thrown in the perfectly oiled wheel!

You don’t flag cabs in Italy- usually, you walk to one of the taxi stands where they wait in line- usually located close to main attractions.

If you call a cab, you are often charged for the time it takes for it to come and get you.

Making a “pit stop” alongside the road to relieve oneself (Pulling over to the side of the road and peeing) is accepted. It’s disgusting and terrible, but you’ll see plenty of men doing it.

Never drive on the left lane of the autostrada unless you are passing a car.

Leave your left blinker on while you are in the left lane. Turn left blinker off when you return to the slow lane.

Make sure you respect the speed limits. Contrary to general assumptions, and especially in recent years, police has gotten very strict about speeding. They won’t stop you- just send a picture of you to the car owner. If you’re renting, you are liable to pay the hefty ticket ($200+).

If someone flashes their brights behind you, it’s because they want you to move to the right lane so that they may pass.

Before boarding a train you need to validate your ticket. You will have to validate your ticket directly on buses instead. Make sure you allow plenty of padding on your transfers, as Italian train times are, once again, more a declaration of intent than a set rule…

Scooters, bicycles and motorcycles share the road with cars, and they will zip by on your left and right in a one-lane road!

It’s hard to pay for gas with a credit card, especially after operating hours other than on the autostrada.

No right turn on red!

Don’t try to find a cup holder in your car. If it’s more than 5 years old, there won’t be one!

Eating in the car is unheard of. Italians would never do such a coveted and social thing like eating in the most unsocial place of all, the car.

However, that doesn’t mean Italians don’t like their cars!! Actually, cars are coveted sign of social status. As a consequence, garbage that you produce in the car gets taken out immediately. You will see people throwing things directly outside the window. As long as the car is clean, who cares about littering?


Round the Entire Worlds

Heinz R.
Heinz R.
Wir kamen außerhalb der Essenszeit, trotzdem haben wir etwas zu Essen bekommen. Ich habe den Chef kennen gelernt der uns ein sagenhaften kleines Menü gezaubert hat. Dazu ein original Brunello, war ganz großes Kino.Hätte auch10 Sterne gegeben schon allein für die Gastfreundschaft.
Christopher A.
Christopher A.
I cannot say enough good things about Cook in Tuscany. In 40 years of vacations as a couple, this was by far best! Every part of this trip exceeded our expectations. What really put this over the top was the hands on involvement of the owners. George, Linda and/or Whitney were present at every event. This is not just a business for them, it's a way of life that they share with their guests. The trip included just the right mix of cooking, visiting nearby villages, or just relaxing at the hotel. If you are reading this review and thinking about a trip, just sign up now you will not be disappointed.
Sandra K.
Sandra K.
George, Linda and Whitney are special people who share their passion of Tuscany through food, drink and unique local experiences. Every last detail was executed to provide their guests with the ultimate Tuscan adventure of a lifetime.
Cindy A.
Cindy A.
Wow! Cook in Tuscany was fabulous and exceeded all my expectations. The hosts Linda, George and Whitney were warm, friendly and knew exactly how to run the show. For anyone who is a foodie, this is the vacation for you. I will remember this trip forever.
Roberta H.
Roberta H.
A cooking class experience with Daniele Natale is a must do for visitors of all ages and all levels of cooking expertise. Daniele will create a tailored menu based on your preferences and using the best local ingredients. After you prepare the main components of your meal, Daniele will quickly add in the supplements while you enjoy a pre dinner beverage, then serve each of 3-4 courses with as many seconds or thirds you may desire. Wine is included. The setting is absolutely magical. You will take your apron and memories home and have them close to your heart for a long time. Don’t miss this fun, unique and personal experience with Daniele. Book ahead!
Pat C.
Pat C.
Linda , George , WhitneyThank you so much for such an amazing week with Cook in Tuscany. The visits to so many beautiful hill top towns in Tuscany, the Truffle hunt with Paulo, the seven course meals , the cooking classes with Antonetta and the fun and dancing while cooking, wine pairing and the fun and knowledge you Linda, George and Whitney provided. And especially the beauty of La Chiusa , olive trees, wine vineyards , plum trees, lemon trees, and gardens. A fabulous memory I always will have and the new Family that I shared it with. Thank you
Mary J.
Mary J.
It was an experience of a lifetime. The people who own it are wonderful and they plan a great cooking experience along with the winery visit, cheese making class and truffle hunting. I was very impressed with everything about my experience
Christy B.
Christy B.
My fiancé and I did the pasta making class and it was one of the most memorable experiences of our entire trip. Chef Antonetta was amazing and helped our meal to turn out better than we ever expected. Lorraine and Matteo and the whole kitchen staff helped to make our class and meal unforgettable as well. Could not recommend this experience more!
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Margaret P.
Margaret P.
Amazing experience. Fabulous food and wine, hands-on cooking lessons, wonderful new friends, entertaining hosts, historic sites, and breathtaking views. Life doesn’t get any better.
Ann R.
Ann R.
Absolutely everything was over the top. The accomodations, the view, the food, wine, lessons and excursions were all 10 out of ten. The atmosphere is fun, the hosts are delightful and our group of people was fantastic. A trip of a lifetime!!!
Linda J.
Linda J.
A unique experience you won’t soon forget. The setting is fairytale perfect. Nestled in the village of Montefollonico, Italy. The hosts, George, Linda and Whitney Meyers, rolll out the welcome mat, with perfect accommodations and agendas for the week.You don’t have to be a chef or a professional to enjoy the preparations for the meal.Visits to nearby cities and top tier restaurants where you can work alongside with outstanding chefs is what dreams are made of.
Fred K.
Fred K.
Absolutely Wonderful experience!!! Great food, great memories and a perfect birthday present for my wife, Luckily I got to share it. Linda, George and Whitney are passionate about what they do, and kept us singing, laughing and dancing while we learned to prepare foods. Wonderful support staff and great experiences on excursions to truffle hunting and meeting people who made life changes to teach about healthy food and lifestyle. Somehow I now appreciate the beauty of our own home and love of our own family more after this trip.
Fred J.
Fred J.
We were told of our hosts' gracious hospitality and of the sheer fun and adventure of the cooking classes and the excursions, but we were totally unprepared--it was all that and MUCH more! We returned two days ago and would love to go back next week! This was a fabulous vacation that we are already recommending to our friends!
Timothy R.
Timothy R.
What a GREAT time.My wife planned this trip for my 65th birthday and it was spectacular. 1st.... La Chiusa is stunningly beautiful. Right out of a storybook. Whatever you have pictured in your mind... forget that. This was prettier. 2nd.... The folks who run the school (George, Linda, and Whitney) were FANTASTIC folks. They weren't intrusive but were informative and fun to be around and obviously the people of the town and surroundings have accepted them as family. 3rd... The cooking classes were informative and not labor intensive. What you learn, you can easily bring back home with you. You ate what you made. There was even music and dancing, while cooking. Yes there is dancing...kinda. It all occurs while cooking and at times the flour is "flowing" especially when making pasta. (One footnote, George can't dance :) )4th.. There were multiple "excursions" into the surrounding areas, visiting the small towns, eating at phenomenal restaurants, multi-course meals at a local family winery, truffle hunting replete with the coolest dog ever. 5th... There was "down-time" every day. Since we were going to be staying in Italy a while after the school, we used this time to take a nap, as jet-lag was still a problem. Others drove into some of the other towns as nothing is far away.6.....You definitely WILL NOT go hungry. 7...There is no shortage of wine.Was it worth it? You betcha. Don't miss your chance to go.
Michelle S.
Michelle S.
My husband and I have traveled a great deal and this by far one of the best experiences we have ever had. Linda, George and Whitney made sure everyone was well cared for. The passion that they have is contagious and we can’t wait to book another cooking class with them. This should be on everyone’s bucket list!
T. “Corky” C.
T. “Corky” C.
Simply, the experience of a lifetime! Beautiful countryside, wonderful people and delicious food and wine!
Julieta E.
Julieta E.
This is for the class offered at Relaise La Chiusa. After receiving our aprons and cooking pamphlets we were patiently guided by Nonna Antonetta. She took us step by step through the preparation of soup, sauce (gravy), pasta, filling for our raviolis and the cookies that would accompany our post meal wine or coffee. We not only learned, we made new friends and an insight into what Tuscan food is really like. Antonetta advised us on how to finish each dish and we had a delightful evening dining with our new friends on delicious food we'd been lucky enough to have helped prepare. This is the best cooking class I've ever participated in anywhere - and I'm a tough reviewer. I'd give more stars if Google allowed.
Amore! From the breathtaking views of the Tuscan countryside, the personable cooking instructors, daily excursions to explore, learn or shop, and the beautiful rooms to rest in La Chiusa, there is love. The hosts, Linda and George, were the perfect combination of information and fun, making our stay the most enjoyable time I've ever had on vacation. I have told everyone that will listen that they NEED to go to this cooking school at least once. Myself? I have already booked to go back in 2024 with my sister.
Sylvia R.
Sylvia R.
Everything was perfect. A slice of heaven for sure! Linda and George were more than just good hosts. They treated us like family and made us all feel so welcomed and special. We cooked, we danced, we laughed, we ate great food, we drank fantastic wine. Wonderful cooking and food lessons, excursions around the countryside to towns, farms, sights, with time for some shopping. Our villa was so comfortable with every need taken care of. I can’t find one fault. Best travel experience ever!
Susan M.
Susan M.
My husband and I enjoyed a week at La Chiusa Villa in Montefollonico with Cook in Tuscany. From the minute we arrived we were amazed at the beauty of Tuscany! Our accommodations were beautiful, the views absolutely stunning - everywhere we looked it was like a picture from a magazine! George and Linda are the perfect hosts. They both are so knowledge, friendly and funny too! We always felt like they were happy we were there. Our group was awesome-we met so many lovely people from all over the world! It was really sad to say goodbye at the end of the week. And every event was perfectly planned with every detail taken care of by Linda & George. This experience was one of our best ever and we hope to one day visit them at one of their other schools! Memories to last a lifetime!!
Jane J.
Jane J.
Joy-filled cooking using ingredients from surrounding farms. Nothing "fancy" in the pot--just the basic, delicious flavors. SLOW food. The best.
Robert F.
Robert F.
What an amazing Life Experience we had at Cook in Tuscany! Everything from the rooms, staff, tours, cooking classes, food, wine, and the friendships that were formed were above my expectations! George and Linda are amazing, generous, and fun people! They run a class act operation!Denyce Fry
George J.
George J.
Truly a trip of a lifetime

Fun filled yet very educational
Cooking Italian doesn’t have to be hard
And why not enjoy the countryside, the local chefs, and the Cook in Tuscany team

The “Green Team” was a fun group and I wouldn’t change one thing that we did . And don’t get me wrong the Purple Team was awesome too 😊Folks from all over the USA Canada, Australia England….hope to see some of them in the future

Linda, George and Whitney are gracious hosts who balance each day perfectly

Eat Cook Play isn’t just a slogan, it’s a way of life 😎🍷🇮🇹
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Luh L.
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haley C.
haley C.
In May 2022, my aunt and I, along with each of our friends, took a trip of a lifetime to Tuscany to spend a week at La Chiusa. It was one of the best weeks of my life! From day one to the very last day every detail of the experience met and exceeded my expectations. George and Linda are wonderful hosts and make everyone feel at home. I learned so much and really got to soak up the beauty of Italy, as well as enjoy it with family and friends and meet new friends as well. Each day we either cooked or ate something new, explored the town, learned the history of Montefollonico, and did plenty of dancing and laughing. I have life long memories of cook in Tuscany and hope to be back very soon. :)
Mary M.
Mary M.
What a wonderfully, glorious time we had in Montefollonico--George, Linda and Whitney were such fun and gracious hosts!! The cooking school was unbelievable, the resort was beautiful, the food was second to none, the excursions were spot on...and the friendships we have created--unforgettable! If you have the chance to enjoy a culinary vacation, Cook in Tuscany is the one!! Cheers!
Margaret B.
Margaret B.
On October 9, 2022, I attended Cook in Tuscany once again. It was another exceptional experience made even better since Linda and George purchased La Chiusa, a wonderful boutique hotel and fabulous restaurant in Montefollonico. I had just as much fun as before, but I actually liked the new accommodations better. This is the trip to take, folks, if you want to have an absolutely exciting and satisfying trip in Tuscany. Linda, George and Whitney take very good care of their guests and plan a fabulous itinerary! I'd rate the experience more than 5 stars if I could!I wrote the following four years ago when I went participated in the Cook in Tuscany experience: Have you ever had a dream trip you wanted to take and you imagined it would be perfect? Have you then taken that leap, gone on the trip and found everything was absolutely, fantastically, marvelously as magical as you’d imagined it would be? Well that’s what it was like for me on my Cook In Tuscany trip! My friend and I wanted to experience a cooking school in Tuscany. After looking at various websites, we found Cook in Tuscany. Linda and George own the company, organize and accompany the tours along with their daughter Whitney. The communication about every aspect of the trip was excellent and complete and any questions I had were answered quickly. When you visit the website and watch the videos, you’ll see people having a lot of fun and let me assure you, it was that much fun and more. Everyone we met in the villages was delightful, the instructors were excellent, the food was incredible—oh yeah, and the cooking classes were definitely hands-on, interesting and informative. The accommodations were magical--we stayed in a hundreds year old hotel and the amenities were definitely up to 2018 standards! Each afternoon during my down time, I’d look out my hotel window surveying the breathtaking Tuscan valley, rolling hills and the neighboring hill town of Montepulciano and I wanted to pinch myself! I am really here! I am really doing this trip I’ve wanted to go on for so long! Linda, George and Whitney had each day well planned and they accompanied their 12 “guests” the entire time. We visited other cities and villages in the area as well as interesting attractions and sites and along the way, the three of them served as very knowledgeable tour guides. It’s easy to see how much they love Tuscany and why they’ve made their second home within the 13th century walled medieval village of Montefollonico. The other members of our group were very nice and friendly and they also made the trip that much more fun and memorable. With Linda, George and Whitney, you feel like you are part of their extended family. This Tuscany trip was on my bucket list and it turned out to be more magnificent than I ever expected it would be. If, like me, you always dreamed of going to a cooking school in Tuscany, I can’t emphasize strongly enough how much I’d encourage you to consider Cook In Tuscany. Ciao!
Dan B.
Dan B.
This trip was better than we expected! George,Linda and Whitney are incredible hosts. They make sure all their guest are having the best experience possible. The food is fantastic , plenty of wine and you meet a great bunch of people.
Susan H.
Susan H.
I can't say enough good things about my recent visit to Cook in Tuscany (October 2-8, 2022). I somehow stumbled across its website about 5 years ago, and was immediately intrigued. Every time I was able to attend, though, the program was full. I lucked out when I logged on in March, and was thrilled to be able to book a spot in October, which is when I always thought I wanted to be in Tuscany. The weather was perfect, which didn't hurt, but the whole experience was one I will always treasure. George, Linda and Whitney were the hosts (and hostesses) with the mostest; the cooking classes were terrific; the local restaurants, farms and wineries we were taken to indescribably great, and the people in our group terrific. My friends whom I have talked to since returning have already logged on to the website, and are planning trips.
Conrad J.
Conrad J.
One of the most fun weeks we’ve had! It was a wonderful combination of cooking, sightseeing and dining out. Linda, George and Whitney, our hosts, made each event a memorable experience …..lots of fun, lots of laughs and delicious food! It was the best possible way to spend a week in Tuscany.
Carmela S.
Carmela S.
We cooked, ate, drank and we laughed with new friends in the beautiful Tuscan countryside.Truly one of the greatest experiences of our lives.Thanks to our hosts (George, Linda & Whitney)and their local friends especially the Nonnas for making it all happen!
Lorrie D.
Lorrie D.
Last month I brought a group of 7 others with me to Cook in Tuscany. From start to finish, this was a super experience. Linda, George and Whitney are amazing hosts who have thoughtfully put together an incredible 6 days and nights for one of the most memorable holidays of my life. La Chiusa is an old olive mill that has been upgraded to a boutique hotel with all of the amenities you could ask for, including a new pool. The days activities are centered around cooking Italian cuisine with local cooks on their farms, set in the most gorgeous Tuscan countryside. There is always 'down' time of at least 2 hours scheduled into each day so that you can spend time at the pool or walk amongst the beautiful hills or into the village of Montefollonico. And of course, the food and the wine - all top notch and very enjoyable. This was a bucket list trip for myself and for the clients that I brought with me. I will be back and have already secured space for 2024!
Maureen P.
Maureen P.
I can’t say enough about the wonderful time we had at Cook in Tuscany. Linda, George and Whitney are wonderful hosts, the tours and cooking classes were perfect and more than we anticipated, and Tuscany is one breathtaking view after another. This experience should definitely be on everyone’s bucket list.
Cathy S.
Cathy S.
Loved Cook In Tuscany. George, Linda and Whitney were amazing hosts. It is among the top vacations we have ever had. We can’t wait to try the other venues that they host. Thanks again for such n amazing time.
Nerina B.
Nerina B.
The most beautiful place in Tuscany.Great host-attentive and very friendly welcome and stay.Just enjoy -everything is taken care of.A must do holiday for all who love food,wine and a good time.Nerina
Bryant K.
Bryant K.
Cook in Tuscany can be summed up as good times, good food, and good wine. The serenity of the villa overlooking the valley was amazing and indescribable. We had plenty of time to relax and absorb our surroundings.The hosts were fun, knowledgeable and very engaging. The different chefs we learned from every day at their local restaurants were spunky and engaging. They ranged in age from their 30s to 80s. And even the chef did not speak English, you learned!We ate what we made during the day and had fantastic dinners at night.I would do it again, even if the chefs, menu and itinerary was exactly the same! I plan to do so.
Roger H.
Roger H.
George and Linda are two amazing, professional and fun people who make every day at their cooking course a wonderful experience.
Ada M.
Ada M.
This was an experience of a lifetime. George, Linda and Whitney are wonderful. The experience in and out of the kitchen were incredible. I hope to join you in Sicily and Mexico in the future. Thank you for all the great memories.
David H.
David H.
We had the most wonderful week at Cook in Tuscany. Seemed like 5 courses with wine every day - and that was just for lunch! The hosts - Linda, George and Whitney - went out of their way to make everyone feel welcome and to share their love for and enjoyment of living, working (and of course eating) in Tuscany. Highly recommend this experience.
Mark H.
Mark H.
This is a fabulous experience and a totally outstanding food experience in one of the most picturesque settings one could imagine. Linda, Whitney and George are amazing hosts that bring this to life in a very fun and relaxing way. This is a first rate experience for food lovers.
Brenda D.
Brenda D.
Beautiful experience! Every aspect of this week was memorable, you feel comfortable from the time you arrive. Food/accommodations/service/wine/excursions just everything was Excellent!!! Do not hesitate book your vacation now. I look forward to visiting one of the other experiences they offer. THANKYOU George,Linda,Whitney and Staff
Sandra R.
Sandra R.
Six years ago I attended Cook in Tuscany with girlfriends. For six years I have talked about the experience so positively that my husband decided he would like to attend cooking school this year. Our experience in May was even better than the first trip. The Meyers have developed an excellent program— fun, informative, interesting and suitable for all levels of cooking expertise. The tours and activities were outstanding—truffle hunting, cheese making, and exploring surrounding villages. One of the best parts of the experience was the friendships that developed over the week and , of course, there was the laughter, lots of that too. I’d like to give the experience 6 stars!
Brenda H.
Brenda H.
Great fun week. We would heartily recommend!
Janet C.
Janet C.
Summer camp for adults! Pasta making, bread baking, wine drinking, truffle hunting, dance parties on the bus. Mix all of that with the most gracious hosts, perfect accommodations, and a view that will take your breath away each morning. What more can you want?
Ginger B.
Ginger B.
This was an amazing vacation! We had so much fun with Linda and George! They make you feel so special! We are so ready to do this again! The best of the best❤️❤️
Kim G.
Kim G.
We didn't really know what to expect during our time in Tuscany other than what we had seen online. All of our hopes and expectations were exceeded in every way but what we didn't count on was the sheer beauty and incredible sense of calm and relaxation that came over us each time we looked out over the valley. Linda and George were incredible hosts, knowing instinctively how to blend the classes, the touring and the periodic breaks in the day so that we never felt rushed nor hurried, but were also never bored. George is also a wonderful tease, making each of his guests feel like a long lost dear friend and it's clear from his interactions with his neighbors that he and Linda are valued members of the Tuscan culture. We learned sooo much about food and wine and history and came away with a sense that these folks have truly figured out what's important in life. I find myself wishing we were back there and trying to figure out how best to return. This was far more than a vacation; this was truly an experience of a lifetime and one we will treasure always.
Mary G.
Mary G.
Five stars is not enough.The week spent at Cook in Tuscany was magical. George, Linda and Whitney are the best hosts ever! The cooking classes, excursions, the wine and the new friendships made this week one of the best in my life. Every detail was looked after, and our room was absolutely lovely. As soon as I got home, I was planning my next trip to Cook in Sicily with the Meyers.If you are looking for a wonderful week in one of the most beautiful locations in the world, Cook in Tuscany is for you. I can’t wait to do it again!
This trip was so much better than I could’ve dreamed it would be. George, Linda & the staff @ la Chuisa were wonderful they made you feel like one of the family. Everyday was an adventure cooking,eating,drinking wine,dancing,& sightseeing. I would do it again tomorrow if I could. Hopefully one day I’ll get to cook in Sicily 🇮🇹 😊Loraine
Lindzi M.
Lindzi M.
Planned to do this for so long - then Covid delayed - but we finally got there and it was fantastic. Varied and fun and lovely people. The visits to local places enhanced the whole experience, from truffle hunting to seven course dinners, from exploring the streets of Montepulciano, to watching the sunsets. To feeling confident about making pasta from scratch - and eating it!
Sharon S.
Sharon S.
I don't even know where to begin to tell you how wonderful our week at "Cook in Tuscany" was. Five stars just doesn't give it justice!!! It was like living in a dream. It was so far beyond what we expected. The experiences were so unique from hunting for truffles to our wine pairing dinners. Who ever thought that we could drink so much wine and have so much fun! Linda and George were truly amazing, We feel as if they are now some of our very best friends. We came home and have immediately begun making pasta and all of the other wonderful foods that we made. We are going to make cooking, eating and playing a part of our everyday life. Every time we think of the week we have the biggest smiles on our faces. We also made some wonderful new friends from all over the world. We will definitley be back. So until next time, cheers, Sharon
Karen R.
Karen R.
Fabulous life-changing experience. A slice of paradise with fantastic hosts, a perfect schedule of events along with dancing, cooking, eating and drinking local wine. I learned so much about Italian cooking and lifestyle. And the accommodations were primo! What a hoot!!! Can’t wait to return to magical Tuscany.
Paula B.
Paula B.
I have perfect attendance with Linda and George, at all 4 cooking schools, so I decided to earn my purple apron as a repeat. A true luxury experience infiltrating the local villages. Every day a new surprise, a new local friend, a new local pasta dish, and of course fabulous wine. I have been in the hospitality business over 30 years and you will not be disappointed on this trip of a lifetime!
Bonnie B.
Bonnie B.
Delicious food in beautiful Tuscany. Always positive. Always fun😄
Cheryl S.
Cheryl S.
This was the trip of a lifetime! We expected it to be wonderful but it really exceeded our expectations. The food, the fun, the people!!! So happy I was able to do this with my daughter.
Gloria C.
Gloria C.
Fabulous people, fabulous food, fabulous teachers, fabulous countryside, fabulous wine, fabulous experience ❣️
Jodi J.
Jodi J.
i highly recommend this place. i love it!
Michelle N.
Michelle N.
A great week of cooking, exploring and adventures in the beautiful region of Tuscany, loved it 😊❤️🍾🥂🇮🇹
Margaret M.
Margaret M.
an incredible experience...The attention to derail and all the great cooking classes plus the tours were all outstanding. Best vacation ever
Mary Ann S.
Mary Ann S.
Cook in Tuscany, Cook in Mexico, Cook in France, all have been the best travel experiences of my life, do not miss George and Linda🍷🍷🍷❤️❤️
Tiffany Porreca C.
Tiffany Porreca C.
Such an amazing day. I can’t wait to come back. Wonderful hosts and a very inviting atmosphere. ❤️
Susanne C.
Susanne C.
A magical experience in every way.
Lovely people, location and activities - highly recommended!
Marsena Byrne A.
Marsena Byrne A.
You can’t help but have a great time when you Cook Eat and Travel with Linda, George and Whitney Meyers!😊👍
Leanne R.
Leanne R.
Our hosts Linda, George and Whitney were fantastic,we were well looked after.
The cooking side of the week was amazing,learnt so much from the
wonderful chefs/cooks, and the food we ate was exceptional. The tours of villages,wineries and various sites were so much fun. Our days were jam packed with food,wine and laughter and it’s an experience not to be missed. See you in 2021.❤️
Sandra H. W.
Sandra H. W.
Simply amazing with the most wonderful hosts. Was there two years ago and going back in September with 17 friends!
Mindy P.
Mindy P.
Just found this page and I love it
Trisha B.
Trisha B.
We adore Tuscany! it is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places on Earth! We definitely will be back!
Janice Lynne McDonald P.
Janice Lynne McDonald P.
We went in June 2016 and loved it so much we are returning in June 2019 ! George and Linda are the best hosts and the food and wine are wonderful and the day trips out are so much fun. You learn to make pasta, bread, desserts, pizza,appetizers and more ! You will not regret this trip and it is worth every penny !! 💕
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